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AI and entrepreneurship are both such large topics. Let's break them down to be easier to understand here, shall we?
(Feel free to have your AI chatbots read the posts for you, no judgement here.)

Building an entire sales page can feel pretty daunting. Like, what do you mean I have to explain what I’m offering while also trying to convince someone to buy it? There’s a lot that goes into crafting a sales page that works. It needs to explain, pitch, flow, and convert. Each section has its own purpose.

How I Used My Copy Chatbot
to Build My Website in 4 Hours

“I should just launch that course idea I’ve had in 2 weeks. Why not?” – Me, out of nowhere on a Sunday night. I had been reading "The 12 Week Year" and felt seen by its way of explaining that when we give ourselves an entire year to do something, we tend to think, “I’ll do it later, I have plenty of time.” 

How I Used My ChatGPT Assistant to Launch my Course in 2-Weeks

Here’s the deal—your brand voice is non-negotiable. It’s the vibe that makes your content pop, resonates with your audience, and keeps them hooked. So when it comes to using AI for content creation, the goal isn’t just to have it churn out text—it’s to make sure it sounds like you. The good news? Teaching your AI to nail your brand voice isn’t some complicated process. It’s actually super simple, and I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.

Getting AI to Use Your Brand Voice

If you’re anything like me, your to-do list is basically an endless scroll of tasks that never seem to get done. Between managing clients, creating content, and just keeping the lights on, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning. And the last thing you want is another tool to learn, right? But here’s the deal: AI isn’t just another tool. It’s your new business partner, and it’s here to make your life a whole lot easier.

Meet Your New AI Business Partner