How I Used My Copy Chatbot
to Build My Website in 4 Hours


Meet Your New AI-Obsessed Business Bestie.

What happens when a girl gets fired because the team has "out grown her abilities" at one company and  then she's "not worth being in business with" at the next right after she gives her 2-weeks notice (after being made cry at 8 AM over a typo)?

She figures it out. She starts her own damn business.

I knew even at my most burned out state I wanted to build something on my own. But how do you do that after an exhausting 9-5 that takes away the energy needed to even cook dinner?

And when you do start your own business how do you keep it from burning you down again? Enter AI.

I'm here to teach creatives how to build more sustainable creative businesses by leveraging AI and being the CEO of their own in-house creative team of AI Assistants.